Monday, 5 May 2008

The Great Property Hype

Well today it's Bank Holiday so I think it's appropriate to discuss what the media and the lending institutions have said since I last wrote .

It appears if the signs are right that the market is agreeing with my comments in earlier blogs. So far as I can tell they believe that the fall in the property market will be short lived as the availability of mortgages will improve although they will not be as freely available as before the uncertainty arose.

The media is now trying to talk up the property market but HIPS still continue to have an adverse effect on the speculative marketing of their existing property after an investor has found another property to purchase.

In the next few days I will be posting details of my attendance at the Conservatives discussions on how to improve the home buying and selling experience be it lenders investors or the ordinary client.

I hope you have had a restful break.

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