Monday, 19 May 2008

Is the UK Property Market in Decline

Well I hope you have all had a restful weekend

The uk property market continues to be at the forefront of the news particularly the failed HIPs discussions and how we might improve the process of buying and selling property in the uk.

I had an interesting discussion over the weekend with someone not closely involved in this market and it became very clear that their opinion was that Government interference in the free market of property selling had contributed largely to the problems now being faced by consumers wishing to sell in the UK Market.

While it was accepted that electronic conveyancing was available it appears that it is being slowed by the raft of regulations with which Lawyers have to comply before ever accepting instructions and thereafter then complying with mortgage companies requirements has left Lawyers floundering in red tape. Not surprisingly the market has slowed.

In order to redress the balance Lenders must be more relaxed as regards there needs and the Government must ammend planning and other regulations in order to ensure that information is available from one source.

I hope to be able during the course of my next few posts to provide further comments on how the UK Property market can be improved


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