Tuesday, 13 May 2008

I am amazed at Property Experts

It never ceases to surprise me that so called property experts in the space of twenty four hours have such a diverse opinion in assessing what is happenning in the UK Property Market.

Last night there was on BBC2 a programme looking at the American Market and trying to see what effect this may have on the Market in the UK. The american market is as differrent to the UK Market as chalk is to cheese. Their conclusions however were positive and they expected the problems to be short lived.

This morning on the Radio the reverse conclusion was arrived at with Surveyors of all people concluding that the worst is yet to come.

I on the other hand as an expert in the field of over twenty years experience have seen these problems before often brought about by the interference of Governments in the Market. This is no differrent as the present uncertainties felt by the consumer is a direct result of the introduction of HIPs (The Home Information Pack) which was being introduced then it was not and finally was phased in over a period of months. The Government rather than learn the lesson of the past have recently announced another delay in the implimentation of a further aspect of HIPs which does little to inspire confidence in the Buying Public.

My opinion is that the UK Property Market will improve as soon as we the experts rather than being negative and predicting Doom and Gloom look at the more positive aspects that show clearly that over the medium to long term property has out performed any other form of investment.

If we say often enough that things are on the upturn then eventually the message will get through and confidence will return to the UK and in particular to the property market.


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